Sandy Spring Trust is a division of Sandy Spring Bank. Neither Sandy Spring Bank nor Sandy Spring Trust acts as a substitute for the legal and tax advisers you, your family and business will need. Our staff works closely with your advisers to coordinate your overall plan.
Wealth and Insurance products are not FDIC insured, not guaranteed, and may lose value.
Loans collateralized by securities involve a higher degree of risk and may not be suitable for all investors. This credit line requires an account with Sandy Spring Trust or West Financial Services, Inc., which are part of Sandy Spring Bank. Sufficient eligible collateral is required to support the request, and all securities are subject to credit approval. Securities and investment products are not FDIC insured, have no Bank guarantee, may lose value, are not insured by any Federal Government Agency and are not a Bank deposit. All credit solutions should be discussed with your Sandy Spring Private Banker and your wealth, tax or legal advisor to help you understand the risks and opportunities of using credit strategies to reach your financial planning goals.